there are three main tasks that need to be undertaken, in connection with a license restoration/interlock removal process:
1. The application;
2. Obtaining letters of support, vouching for your sobriety
3. Substance abuse evaluation/12-panel drug screen
Most lawyers will help you fill out the application, or at least they should. I know I do.
The substance abuse evaluation/12 panel drug screen is something that you will have to get on your own. I will give you some guidance cannot come into my office.
Perhaps the biggest imposition on the client (i.e., you), is the process of obtaining letters of support, vouching for your sobriety. It is embarrassing, mortifying, and it is often enormously difficult to get
cooperation from “the right people”. Most lawyers who do this kind of work, impose this onerous task on the clients. I do not. I TAKE ON THIS JOB FOR YOU; after all, it is part of what you are hiring me
to do.
I have developed a form, by which I directly communicate the Secretary of State’s Office requirements with those persons whom you identify; this is reserved for for clients of my firm. It will all be by mail, and you will receive a copy of my communication to them, once he goes out the door. That way, you will see what is going on, and when it is going (by the way, I do that in all aspects of my practice). This makes it easier for the client (i.e., you), and candidly, easier for the people you are asking to help you in this situation. By the way, the people from whom you seek this type of support, must have an opportunity to see you with enough frequency, to know that you are sober.
In these situations, indeed, in any situation in which a witness is needed in a court setting, not all witnesses are created equal. Some have more influence, by virtue of their relationship you, or by virtue of their status. For example:
1. Ex-spouses/ex-significant others:
Many times when an intimate relationship breaks up, the two parties in their relationship part with acrimony and noncommunication. However, when in ex-spouse/ex-significant other is willing to vouch for your sobriety, a letter like that will make a hearing officer take notice. A letter of support from such a person is not absolutely necessary, and indeed may be a bad idea, where there is an ongoing child custody dispute, or some other dynamic, that makes a request for help inappropriate.
2. Employers/supervisors/supervising union officials (business agents, e.g.,)
Naturally, it is very difficult to approach such people, and he asked them to vouch for your sobriety. Indeed, by doing so, you might be putting your job in jeopardy. I do not want to do that, and if asking your employer/supervisor for a letter of support, would put your job in jeopardy, I will tell you right now, not to do it. Again, however, if someone in this category is willing to step up and sign such a letter, it is often quite influential.
3. Police officers/law enforcement
Police officers and other law enforcement officials, rightly or wrongly, bring a certain weight with their letters of support. If you know such a person socially, again, someone who would have an opportunity to see that you are sober and social occasions, this would be a good person to get a letter of support from.
4. Pastors/clergy
Like police officers clergymen/women bring a certain weight with their letters of support. If you know such a person socially, again, someone who would have an opportunity to see that you are sober and social occasions, this would be a good person to get a letter of support from.
Additional Comments:
Whoever provides you with a letter of support, will have to do so by signing the letter in front of a notary. This makes an already embarrassing and mortifying situation even all the more difficult. If your “supporters” are anywhere near my office in Richmond, they are welcome to come by here, and to have their letter notarized here.
Many of my clients, become sober, no longer had the social circle they used to, when the drink, or use drugs. Oftentimes, these people have family members to look to. If that is the truth of the matter, and that is the truth of the matter and we will proceed on the basis of those letters of support we can get from whoever is available.